For now, we see in a mirror, dimly
The Sun shall be turned into darkness
And the Bride Moon into blood
By the star called Wormwood
Before the awesome day of the Lord
And the Light shines in the darkness
And the darkness comprehended it not
your word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path
Alpha & Omega
70 And I am the Alpha & the Omega
1 The beast ecumenist and communist,
2 Has many other names blasphemous,
3 "Love", "Peace", "Brotherhood" and
"One God Worshiping Religion",
4 With seven heads - Gods Time and
Truth and Way he tried to conquer,
5 Ten horns of kings of world religions,
6 My bride In Ephesus he trialed,
7 But it's promised she won't be overcometh,
8 After a day of one hundred and three years,
9 I found just leaves on withered fig trees,
10 Then shook the earth, yet you are sleeping,
11 Now seven-eight is time for waking,
12 You took your Fathers wife to be your faithful bride,
13 And copulated with my enemies - all heresies,
14 And you abused immorally my bride,
15 Like Judas you betrayed your Jesus Christ,
16 Exact same high priests you conspired Me,
17 Like Cain you've stricken your own brother,
18 You gave the serpent mighty power,
19 You poured his water on my beloveds
20 To swipe away her with the torrent,
21 Now grab your shields destruction cometh,
22 Inscribe your sins on stinging fig leaves,
23 To cover your lost glory and Peace,
24 Seventy years were determined,
25 For the Babylon of Jerusalem,
26 I gave her more years to repent,
27 But she is entirely unwilling,
28 And now I'll grant her bitter herbs in water,
29 For I have judged the harlot of Jerusalem,
30 For she didn't repent for her copulate,
31 And now her blood is idol offering,
32 O Jerusalem, Jerusalem!
33 You that killed all prophets in My name!
34 I am coming for you with great wrath,
35 To avenge the blood of my beloveds,
36 Now the same way all committing adultery,
37 Are eating food of idol offering,
38 For My flesh is real food and My blood is real drink,
39 And you craved communing light with darkness,
40 If you don't repent - you won't have lampstand
41 And you will suffer in oblivion,
42 Like serpents - in Gods own Glory River,
43 The time is now and strictly counted,
44 His hour last and decided,
45 I granted seven thunders - crystal clear,
46 But ears dull of hearing cannot hear,
47 Now I counsel you to buy white garments,
48 And proved gold by pure fire,
49 For you are poor, and dead and naked,
50 To cover your shamefulness disrobed,
51 They said peace but destruction comes upon them,
52 As labor pains of a heavy woman,
53 Giving birth to the living Word of God,
54 And they shall not escape the coming wrath,
55 Prepared since the world was young,
56 I gave you Peace but now I grant you Sword,
57 And I am opening the Philadelphian Door,
58 For all to enter through repentance,
59 I have the keys of Hades and Heaven,
60 When I open no one locks it,
61 But when I lock it, no one enters,
62 My angels are holding the winds from blowing,
63 Until the seals are on your foreheads,
64 Your beast is ruling all the tribes and nations,
65 Through heresies and false religions,
66 For a hundred years My Church he tried to conquer,
67 But I declared she won't be overcometh,
68 I cast him down now for you forgot,
69 I am your Master - First and Last,