1 While He was walking among the seven golden lampstands,

He told them a parable:

2 There was a King and a Kingdom.

3 And the King went abroad and left his offspring,

4 And all the glory of His Kingdom and belongings,

5 The posterity and all vessels of small quantity,

6 To His beloved wife and to His servants.

7 From the cups to all the jars He handed them.

8 And while He was abroad, his servants,

9 Took their Masters wife as a bride,

10 Misused and turned her to a prostitute,

11 And the marriage was utterly abused.

12 They sold and traded His belongings.

13 The vessels they didn't fill with water,

14 From the cups to all the jars all dried up.

15 His offspring they left in hunger, thirst and dirt,

16 And they went out looking for water and food.

17 But outside was blowing a strong wind,

18 And their eyes got severely dimmed,

19 And they were swayed by the winds like reeds.

20 And were lost beneath the midst.

21 But the King was planning to have more kids,

22 And on the way back He got thirsty.

23 He was found by some of His trustworthy,

24 That complained for all of what was done.

25 So when the King returns home thirsty,

26 What would He do to His untrusty?

27 And to His servants that abused His wife,

28 And traded all of His belongings and life?

29 And they said:

30 "First He will annul the marriage,

31 Then He will expel away His wife,

32 And his servants He will severely punish,

33 Lock them in the darkest sells for life.

34 Then hire more trustworthy to fill His jars with water,

35 And look in the midst to find his kids,

36 Give them food and drink and clean shower.

37 Then He will find a new faithful bride,

38 Clothe her with new bright linen for marriage.

39 And multiply His Kingdom and offspring."

40 But the just and true King then asked them:

41 "What if His unfaithful wife falls to His knees to cry?

42 And what if His servants fall in tears the same way?

43 Will He forgive and take all of them?"

44 They said "no"!

45 "For if a bride is defiled by other men,

46 She is no longer His own and worthy.

47 And the servants He cannot have back,

48 For they are too not trustworthy."

49 But because He was a true and just and loving King,

50 And a loving husband, and a gentleman,

51 He said: "though they might be unwilling.

52 I'll give them some time to repent."

53 But His trustworthy servants disagreed,

54 And started a fight over His will.

55 And there was a big fight in His Kingdom.

56 They said "how can you forgive your traitors?

57 They had your own wife as a bride,

58 And made her a lust sacrifice.

59 Moreover they starved and thirst your kids,

60 They didn't fill your jars with water and they dried.

61 They made them fly looking for streams and got dimmed!

62 Avenge your kids! Kill her and kill all of them!"

63 And He replied: this would be true and just but I am loving,

64 And I'll give her bitter herbs in clean water,

65 And I'll cast her into a sick bed of suffering,

66 If she is not willing to repent.

67 And my servants that committed adultery,

68 I'll too throw into dark sells of suffering.

69 And I'll strike them with death if they don't repent."

70 His faithful servants replied:

71 "Yes, Lord Almighty, true and just are your judgments!

72 But still if they repent how can you have them back!?

73 For they are not worthy and are not trustworthy!?"

74 He said to them:

75 "The possible with your Lord is impossible for men."

76 So keep calm and wait until I revenge all of them,

77 For it is written: "Vengeance is Mine"

78 For I am Lord and it is also written:

79 "And the load hanging on His Palace will be cut down."

80 For The LORD has spoken.


1 word

2 ships

3 parable

Gold Glitter Shiny Sprinkles of Sunlight
Neon Line Highlight
White Vertical Rounded Ellipse Gradient Shape
White Vertical Rounded Ellipse Gradient Shape
Neon Line Highlight
Gold Glitter Shiny Sprinkles of Sunlight

4 sword

5 the arc

6 faith

7 light